Feb 11, 2011

MaLam YanG PenUh MiStErI.....HuHuHu~~~~~~

salam sejahtera blog TerChinTa.....hoho..hoooi...!! hehehehe....da terikut m.daud kilau lak..ni pasai sbb tengok RAJA LAWAK 5 ler ni...bukan tengok para pelawak, tapi tengok pengacara yg lawak...zizan+johan...dua2 mamat ni, lau da brjumpe da mkn sarkas da...SERONOK! sebab mamat2 ni pandai menambat hati orang..hahahah!!! lagi satu, ade pulak si david teo <pengarah paling popular ler.....> bleh plk die jadi juri RL5 kali ni....da kuar ayat2 baru....bukait<bukit>...pantun pun ilang da tatabahasa nyer...kahkahkah!!! <lau anda tak cayer, tengok la RAJA LAWAK 5 di Astro Prima setiap hari Jumaat, jam 9 malam> diTEKANkan di sini, saye bukan tengok para pelawak, tapi saye tengok pengacara nyer yang lawak...kahkahkah!!!! :D

hehehe.....kali ni, malam penuh misteri saye bukan la tentang LAWAK <tu sajer je wat2 suspen...kihkihkih..>
tapi malam kali ni misteri sebab ini>>

spooky??? pe pandangan korg lau ter..tengok rumah ni, atau gambar ni??? mesti korg cakap "serammnyer....mcm citer antu lak!" atau pun dialog ini,, "mak oi...kwsn pe ni? ade jugak owang tinggal kt umah cmni..mcm umah antu jerrrr..."

haa...ni la yg wat saye nk citer ni.....sayer tadi tk wat pe2, cume tengok tv jer....then, saye tertengok la satu citer ni...tentang 'spooky house'....ala beb, citer ni da lamer gak la...tapi ditayangkan di astro citra <nampak sgt saye ni peminat astro ek......> hahahaha! tak kesah la mne2 pun........
tapi nak citer ni, saye rase teruja sbb citer ni ade banyak elemen2 yg menarik, dan wat hati penonton tersentuh...<touching gak ler.....huhu...>
lau nak taw, ni la pict depan citer yg saye da tengok tadi....citer yang SYOK HABIS......best woo!! lagi2 lau tengok malam2 yg lewat.....huhuhu~~~~~ ni la pict nyerr >>

haa....SMART an kaler nyer??? da mcm kaler blog sayer jer...cume saye lum letak BLING-BLING lagi...nanti lau saye letak BLING-BLING, mau saket mate tengok blog saye t....readers kene pakai sunglasses plk bile on blog ni....kehkehkeh...<termasuk saye la....> KALAU SAYE LETAK BLING-BLING LA.......

ok la.....saye nk citer sikit tentang sinopsis citer ni......tapi..ahh..takpe la...saye letak jela bahse inggeris nyer dulu yerr.....ni dia synopsis 'Spooky House' in English version >>>

*It’s nearly Halloween when a group of five children sneak into their town’s legendary “Spooky House.” It’s the scariest place in town and its sole inhabitant, the “Spooky Guy,” is the object of every kid’s fear. Dressed in black with a fake Daliesque mustache and a turban, he walks through the waterfront town accompanied by a 320 pound black jaguar on a leash. The myths surrounding the Spooky Guy are powerful enough to scare even the town’s bumbling bullies. What none of them knows is that the Spooky Guy is the Great Zamboni (BEN KINGSLEY), a world famous magician who has become an embittered recluse after the mysterious disappearance of his wife during the finale of his greatest magic act.

The children break into the Spooky House to retrieve their pet goat that was stolen by the bullies. A host of frightening events quickly sends them running for home. Only the youngest, an eight-year-old orphan named Max (MATT WEINBERG), is brave enough to stay and confront the Spooky Guy and his jaguar. Discovering that Zamboni is a magician, Max is intrigued and tries to befriend him, but to no avail.
In the days that follow, Max continues to pursue the magician’s friendship, attempting to break down the barrier Zamboni has put around himself. One of Max’s buddies, Prescott (SIMON BAKER), uses his computer expertise to unravel the secret of Zamboni’s last show and the disappearance of his wife, Dawn Star. They discover that the last thing he said to her on stage that fateful night was “I hate children!” Max is devastated. But he doesn’t give up on the magician and eventually Zamboni opens up to Max, telling him that he believes his wife ran away because he did not want her to have children, which was what she wanted more than anything in the world.

In the meantime, little Zoe’s (CHAZ MONÉT) goat, Princess, is stolen again and she sets out to rescue her pet with the help of Max, Prescott, Zoe’s big brother, Beans (RONALD JOSHUA SCOTT), and linguistically challenged Russian immigrant Yuri (JASON FUCHS).
On Halloween night they accidentally discover the drop where the bullies hide their stolen goods. The bullies work for Boss (MERCEDES RUEHL), the town’s chain-smoking crime queen. They are led by Mona (KATHARINE ISABELLE) who emulates Boss by intimidating her henchman, Mike the Mouth (MYLES FERGUSON) and Dumb Dave (KYLE LABINE). The children discover Princess among the stolen goods but are in turn discovered by the bullies. Now that the kids know about the crime ring’s operations, they are in danger.

Running from the pursuing gang, the kids panic and enter the Spooky House in search of a place to hide. Determined to seize their prey, the bullies go in after the youngsters. Realizing the children are being threatened, Zamboni teams up with them and uses his magic tricks and illusions to give the bullies the most unexpected and comically terrifying experience of their lives. Boss arrives on the scene and captures Max. She faces the magician in a climactic showdown, but is no match for the Great Zamboni and his magic skills. She is defeated and delivered into the waiting arms of the law.
Despite the friendship that has developed between Max and Zamboni, the magician struggles to ignore Max’s hints that he adopt him. Just when their relationship is at its strongest, Zamboni catches himself, his shield goes up again, and he turns his back on Max. The next day Max is taken away to an orphanage.

The Great Zamboni returns to the stage, putting on a spectacular production. All the kids are there, including Max who arrives with a group of kids from the orphanage. Zamboni picks Max as a volunteer for his final act. He places him inside a rocket and his jaguar in another. When he reopens the door of the rocket the jaguar was in, Max is inside. As the applause dies down, Zamboni announces that he has legally adopted the little boy. Then, in the most unexpected finale of all, he opens the other rocket revealing, to his utter amazement, his beloved Dawn Star! A child has taught him real magic: magic of the heart that has broken the spell and returned his wife to him. Zamboni, Dawn Star and Max have become a true family.*

haa....gitu la sinopsis nyer....<saye nak BM kan, mcm berat plk t....>
ni la masenye readers sume BUKAK KAMUS bm-bi kiter dulu2 mase blajo skola2....heheheh...tp skg sume da pandai an....takkan la tk phm an....g pn, bahse senang je ni...huhu....tapi BEST BEB citer ni.....try ler search utk alami SPOOKY EXPERIENCE sendiri....huuuu~~~~~~~

ni de g satu pict yg CUN, khas utk malam ini sahaja.... ^_^

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! KIDDING..!! ni pict GIMIK jer......saje jer add kt sini....kehkehkeh..!!!
hehe......citer yg menarik, tentang MAGIS....tentang KANAK-KANAK....tentang HALLOWEEN....tentang PEMBULI......tentang KASIH SAYANG......saksikanlah sendiri SPOOKY HOUSE yer.....nk upload ke, download ke ape2 load ke...boleh, tapi tengok2 dulu yer sblm wat sesuatu tu.....hati2 di mana berada, bkn jalan raye jer... :)


esok = 12 Februari 2011
lusa = 13 Februari 2011

kenape?? sbb nyer, saye akan jadi PENGAPIT PENGANTIN utk rakan sekerja saye....APA?? PENGAPIT PENGANTIN?? TAK TAKUT KE HILANG SERI KAWEN T??? pe de hal tu sume...yg penting dlm ati nk bantu kawan....g pn, pengalaman mendewasakan....seri @ tak selepas jadi pengapit pengantin, tu Yang Esa tentukan....yg pasti, saye akan mengiringi 'raja sehari' dlm dua tarikh itu...
12 Februari 2011, kawan nikah+mlm resepsi <mlm berinai>
13 Februari 2011, majlis persandingan
so, saye mengapit selama 2 hari dlm 3 majlis...GEREK AN?? hahahahah!! lau tentang seri tu, trpulg pade individu masing2 yer....
<saye da tnye mak ayah adik2 saye, diorg NO HAL....saye da tnye myboy gak, die pun NO HAL...so, takde problem, insyaAllah....>
moga2 takde la ape2 halangan utk hari berbahagia kawan saye itu....baju da siap, kasut ok, sume siap....esok cari tisu ajer...hehehehhe...BUKAN UTK SAYA! tapi utk kawan saye tu....haa...nanti saye citer tentang WEDDING tu yer....mcm seronok jer bile tengok orang kawen, rase nak gak! tapi, banyak g perkare lum setel lak....adesss.....takpe, sabo hati, sabo....akan tiba saat utk diri ini bersanding SATU HARI NANTI....kehkehkeh....<gatal lak aku nih...>

syoknyer kawen.....leh sanding, jadi raja, walaupun sehari jer.....mcm best jer...! <sekadar gambar>

*menuju alam baru* <sekadar gambar>

k la blog sayang.....nti saye citer lagi yer....da mcm banyak celotehan saye mlm ni.....smg kite dpt jumpe lagi yer.......salam hormat, salam sayang.......selamat malam ^_^

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sAat kEceRiaAn
mUke mAse mUdE.. ^_^